Donnerstag, Juli 28, 2005

Guantanamo Bay Website gehackt

Am 23. Juli 2005 wurde die offizielle Seite des US-Kriegsgefangenenlagers von iranischen Hackern lahmgelegt. Auf der Seite war folgender Text zu lesen:


all muslim’s nation condemned all terorist activities
in everywhere even in londen or america Do you think that all muslims are terrorists? we are for peace…humanity. friendshp,kindness this is wrong.. we all are brothers, Muslims has been more harmed by this kinde of actvities than the other believes Dont you guys see what has been hapenning to muslims in the last 50 years in Israel? Dont u see in iraq how many casualties have muslims pr day? Dont u see the attitude of americans towards muslims in goantanamo

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